2012 Chinese Language Teachers Professional Development Program in Taiwan


We are pleased to introduce an excellent program to provide development training for American educators to teach Chinese language..

This group program will last two weeks and be held this mid-summer (proposed July 16 to July 26, 2012) in Taiwan, where participating teachers will receive methodological and theoretical advanced instruction for K-12 and college level Mandarin Chinese pedagogy, respectively. Professional development includes curriculum and oral training, Chinese teaching pedagogy, classroom visits, cultural introductions, and a conference promoting Chinese language learning. This PD program will be held at Cheng Gong University in Tainan, Taiwan.

We will apply through the Taiwan Ministry of Education to sponsor tuition, accommodation, textbooks, food and transportation in Taiwan. Teachers will be responsible for their own airfare. Interested teachers may send their completed application form, before April 14, 2012, (see attached), to:

Cultural Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago
180 N. Stetson Avenue, Suite 5803
Chicago, IL 60601
[email protected]
Application form download: teachertrain application form 2012

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